FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) is an amazing organization for all students, from ages 4 to 18! FIRST helps to show youth worldwide what it's like to work in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) environment! With hands-on experience, students learn lifelong skills while having fun!

Levels of FIRST

For more information, visit the FIRST website at https://www.firstinspires.org/

First Robotics Competition

FRC is a division of First Robotics for high school students aged 14 to 18. Each year, FIRST releases a new game. They are given six weeks to design and build a robot that can play in that year's game. Students must create a robot that can complete the tasks in this game. The team and their robot then compete in two district competitions. Depending on performance and awards, they then have a chance to move on to provincials, then to worlds. Every year the game changes, which means the team must build a completely new robot to complete the tasks of that individual game.


If you are interested in signing someone or yourself up for a FIRST team or are interested in mentoring, find a team near you by:

visiting the FIRST website at:


feel free to email us at: frc2706@owcrobots.ca

and we can help you find a team or you could join us!


Every year, in January, FIRST releases a new game for FRC. We then get to see a video for the first time that shows us the game. This year’s game is Crescendo!

Check out our previous CAD designs!